Programs & Storytimes

The Children’s Room offers a number of early literacy, creative, and social programs for children of all ages.

For a detailed list of current and upcoming programs (and library closings) check our events calendar, and for more information contact Youth Services at or 603-640-3268.


Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes for children and their caregivers. No registration required. See our events calendar for more information about individual storytime offerings. Please note that storytimes will take a break for major holidays and school breaks. We recommend checking the events calendar for the most up-to-date offerings.

Chess Club 4 Kids

Learn to play chess while meeting new friends. This is a drop-in program with 20 minutes of instruction and plenty of time to play the game in a supportive environment. Chess sets and pieces provided. New members welcome. No registration required.

Sept 9- Dec 16 and Jan 6-April 28

No Club Oct 14, Nov 11, Nov 25, Feb 17 and April 14 because of holidays and school breaks.

5:00pm – 6:30pm

Mayer Room

Lego At The Library

We’ve got the bricks; you bring the creativity! The theme changes weekly. Please leave your personal LEGO® sets at home. Children must be five years of age to participate. Weekly registration is required.

Jan. 13 – May 12

No programs Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Mar. 10 and Apr. 14

3:45pm – 5:00pm

Ages 5-8. Must be five years old to participate

Children’s Program Room

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