
Now @ The Howe


Join us for books, songs, and movement while developing early literacy skills and having fun! Every storytime ends with art exploration and a craft. Ages 2-5


Music and Movement

Support early learning and development with music, stories, movement, and dancing. This program begins on time, and for the best experience, we recommend coming five minutes early to get settled. […]


Glowforge Laser Cut Pendant

Create a cool pendant on our Glowforge. You’ll design the pendant before the program and during the program* be able to watch your pendant be cut. Space is limited – […]


Download, Stream, Online Tools, and More…

Experience your favorites right at your computer. Thousands of titles on Hoopla, films that matter through Kanopy, and audio books with Libby.

Get the most out of your electronic device today!

We're getting a new roof!
Unfortunately, South Street parking will be unavailable beginning Monday, May 13 to accommodate the roofing trucks & equipment.
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